
Getting Rid Of The Wait Times

It’s rare to make a service appointment these days that’s scheduled at a specific time. Usually you are saddled with time windows of arrival, leaving you frustrated and wondering how you’ll ever be able to accomplish anything else that day.

When you are given 4-hour arrival windows or are even told the appointment could happen anytime between 9am-5pm, frustration sets in because of all the other things you could be getting done during that time.

  • Working: Unless you have the ability to work remotely, you have to take precious vacation time while waiting for the electrician to arrive.
  • Attending a class field trip: Instead of waiting on the plumber, you could be volunteering as a chaperone for a fun school event, getting to spend more time with your kids.
  • Exercise: Instead of feeling stressed about when the service technician will arrive, you could be attending a bootcamp or yoga class to relieve the stress of your washing machine not working.
  • Social Events: When you have to leave to wait for the cable technician, it usually means giving up social outings later in the week because you’ll have to catch up on work or other errands.

Just think of everything you could be doing instead of waiting. Why not outsource time-wasting activities like waiting on a service appointment?

Find out how we can get rid of the wait times and give you back the gift of time. Get in touch with Fini Concierge.

Self Care Starts With Having More Time